Embarrass your Scars…

Was listening to a song that was impressed upon my heart. Something,  I had never realized before however, it is great to experience the happy times but did you know that it could be even more rewarding to embrace the tough times as well. Have you ever realized what blessings scars are? Have you ever... Continue Reading →

यादें गुज़रे वक़्त की

जो गुज़र गया, मैं वो वक़्त लिख रहा हूँ, आज फिर तेरी याद आई, तो यह खत लिख रहा हूँ, लिख दूँ क्या हाल-ए-दिल अपना, या सवेरे जो देखा था, लिख दूँ मैं वो सपना, ये सपने ही तो हैं, जो मुझे तुमसे मिलाती हैं, वरना हर गुजरता लम्हा , हमे दूर करती जाती हैं,... Continue Reading →

A story from Cielo

This is the world of soulmates. Where everyone is destined to meet someone. And the soulmates have their own unique identification. Here in this world everything is different. Everyone here are more humanly than the other original one. You might think it's almost fake. Of course, that will be our first thought because we are... Continue Reading →

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